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About the Scholarship
About the scholarship

The International Ichnological Association started offering the IIA Travel Grants in 2012 in order support graduate students to attend ICHNIA. The grant is not intended to cover the full travel expenses, but rather to complement other funds. So far, II Travel Grants have been offered to attend ICHNIA 2012 and ICHNIA 2016, and will be offered for our upcoming ICHNIA in Brazil. Only student members who are contributing as first authors of a presentation (either oral or poster) and plan to attend the meeting are eligible. The abstract must be already submitted when applying for the IIA Travel Grant. The number of grants and the amount awarded vary from year to year, depending on the available funds. The grant is paid during the congress in cash or in a bank-cashable check. 


To encourage the education of graduate students in the science of ichnology by providing some financial support to participate at ICHNIA.


Applicants may include any graduate student member of the IIA and who plan to attend ICHNIA and are contributing as first authors of a presentation (either oral or poster). Applicants must be currently enrolled as a candidate for an academic degree at a scientific institution anywhere in the world. Candidates should be members of the International Ichnological Association at the time of application to the scholarship.


Applicants must submit their application to the IIA president no later than six months prior to the beginning date of the meeting that will be attended.


An accepted abstract of the ichnological research that the student intends to present at ICHNIA as an oral presentation or poster.


A short CV of the candidate


A document proving their student status at a post-secondary institution.


Any additional information that the applicant may wish to submit relating to his/her future aspirations as a professional scientist in applying ichnology to significant geological and/or biological problems (e.g., publications, previous presentations).

Completed applications should be addressed to:

Renata Netto, ICHNIA President

and sent as a single file to:


Selection committee & criteria

 The awardees are decided by an ad-hoc committee constituted by three regular members of the society.

The scholarship selection committee will review and evaluate all applications received prior to the application deadline. Criteria for selection of a scholarship recipient will include assessments of:


The promise of the applicant as an outstanding contributor to the advancement of the science of ichnology in future years.


The scientific merits of the research that will be presented.


The scholarship recipient(s) will receive their award during the congress in cash or in a bank-cashable check.

Management of the scholarship fund


Income to the scholarship fund includes monetary contributions from any individual or organization plus interests earned on investments of the principal of the fund. Potential non-monetary contributions, such as objects (e.g., fossil specimens or art objects) or investment instruments that cannot be sold easily will not be accepted.


At the discretion of the IIA officers, some portion or the entire principal of the scholarship fund may be invested responsibly in such a way as to generate interest income to be used for future scholarship awards.


At the discretion of the IIA officers, some portion or the entire principal of the scholarship fund may be invested responsibly in such a way as to generate interest income to be used for future scholarship awards.


Any deviations from procedures outlined in the above controlling document or any changes to the above controlling document must be approved by a unanimous vote of the IIA officers.

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